Our Impact
Across the Region, there is Growing Recognition of the Importance of High-Quality Comprehensive Sexuality Education
This regional dashboard showcases the progress made in the implementation of the ESA Commitment. It was put together using data collected in the 2020 ESA Commitment evaluation. The dashboard contains a total of 12 indicators based on the 7 targets from the ESA Regional commitment. View the indicators below for a snapshot of progress made. Click here to view the full dashboard.
New HIV Infections
Number of new HIV infections among adolescents and young people aged 15-24 years

Comprehensive HIV knowledge
Percentage of adolescents and young people aged 15-24 years who have comprehensive HIV prevention knowledge

Early and Unintended Pregnancy
Percentage of adolescent girls who have begun child bearing by age 19 (2013 - 2019)

Child Marriage
Percentage of women aged 20-24 years who were first married or in union before age 18

Primary School Completion
Percentage of adolescents and young people who have completed Primary school (primary completion rate)

Secondary School Completion
Percentage of adolescents and young people who have completed Secondary school (secondary completion rate)

Provison of Life Skills Based HIV and Sexuality Education
Percentage of schools that provided Life Skills based HIV and Sexuality Education in the previous academic year

CSE Strategy for Out of School Youth
Number of countries with a Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) strategy or framework for out of school youth

Pre/In-Service Training on Youth Friendly Services
Number of countries that provides pre-service and/or in-service training programmes on the delivery of adolescent and youth friendly health services

National Policy or Strategy on Pregnant Learners
Number of countries implementing a national policy/strategy on pregnant learners

Policies to address School Related Gender Based Violence
Number of countries whose education sector policies address School Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV)

Domestic Financial Resources for implementation of ESA Commitment
Number of countries that have identified/mobilized domestic financial resources for the implementation of the ESA Commitment