Project: Addressing gender-based violence in higher education institutions
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a universal phenomenon that occurs in various spaces, including higher education institutions (HEIs). It can take various forms, including (but not limited to) physical, verbal, sexual, psychological, and socioeconomic violence. Gender based violence can be experienced by anyone. However, it disproportionally affects women and people who are, or who are seen, as different in terms of gender.
This calls firstly for the collection and analysis of reliable data on the prevalence, nature, forms and impact of GBV in HEIs (students, teaching and administrative staff), as well as data on the availability of response mechanisms/initiatives in HEIs.
UNESCO is developing an initiative to collect data on the issue of GBV in HEI via an online questionnaire. The analysis of the data collected through this questionnaire will help UNESCO develop guidelines to respond to the problem in a second phase. It ultimately aims at supporting policy makers, HEIs, civil society and other interested actors by offering UNESCO´s guidelines on responding to and preventing GBV in the tertiary education sector, contributing to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda through SGD4 (on particular targets 4.3, 4.5. and 4a.) and SDG5.
Timeframe of project: 2023-2024
Vacancy: International consultancy for gender-based violence in higher education institutions
Deadline for application: July 20, 2023
For more details, please check the Terms of Reference: TORs
Interested consultants should express their interest no later than July 20, 2023, by submitting a technical and a financial proposal, CV and three pieces of research/documents to Info-iesalc@unesco.org. Please use the following subject header: “Addressing gender-based violence in Higher Education Institutions”.