As part of efforts to ensure all young people have access to comprehensive, life-skills based sexuality education, UNESCO screened a new video at the 18-July Eastern and Southern Africa Commitment Progress Review Meeting, on the side-lines of this year’s International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa. The video, ‘Being a Young Person’, looks at the challenges young people face as they navigate the journey to adulthood, and outlines how comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), can make this journey easier, more certain and healthier.
[:pt]An initiative that brings together policy makers, young people and civil society to strengthen sexuality education and reproductive and sexual health services in eastern and southern Africa. By having adequate access to these services, young people are empowered to make their own decisions about their health, preventing HIV/AIDS and unexpected pregnancies.[:fr]An initiative that brings together policy makers, young people and civil society to strengthen sexuality education and reproductive and sexual health services in eastern and southern Africa. By having adequate access to these services, young people are empowered to make their own decisions about their health, preventing HIV/AIDS and unexpected pregnancies.[:]